Published on September 29, 2004 By supandy In Welcome
Hi There,
I am just new to this blogging thing ok so jus getting a hang on whats hapening in this world of blogging. Will be putting up a lot of my thoughts and ideas which I have often and on. Thanks

on Oct 01, 2004
Hi, was just giving a thought abt the guys whose career happens to be marketing. I have a feeling that these guys are considered as children of lesser God. wneh these people go for a call to an office they tend to get a bad treatment invariably no matter how good he/she is in this business. They are just a big NO NO at any offices. Why is that all thses marketting personnels get these type of a reception every where they go. Is it bcos they jus barge inside any offices or is it bcos they dont do the ground work properly before going and meeting a particular person where do they lack training. I also have a feeling that inspite of a good training and working knowledge they are still treated as the same. All are welcome to post their point of view.